Making a small amount of time with each other, in what can be a hectic lifestyle for many in 2017, could actually be a building block to saving your crumbling marriage, according to Australian therapist, Julia Lorent.
MELBOURNE, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA — Walking is a low intensity exercise with great benefits, but did you know that by jointly participating in physical activity (outside the bedroom, that is) that couples also claim feeling more satisfied with their relationship?
According to Mind Body Green, “Pushing your physical body to the limit of what you believe is possible and sharing the moment with your partner is a great gift to treasure.” It’s positive reinforcement at its best and ripples throughout your relationship, fostering closeness and intimacy.
Walking daily increases your energy and self-confidence, gets you out in nature, improves your mood, adds years to your life, and gives you a more positive outlook on life. Each of these can also bolster a marriage. Why? Because due to its low intensity, talking simultaneously is an easy task and lends itself well to communication—the cornerstone of any good marriage. Walking gets you talking.
“Doing this can be a transformative process, it is so simple, yet again and again, I get reports of reconciled marriages and relationships due to the time the couple spend walking together. It can also bring romance into a relationship “ says Julia. “Think of long walks along the beach at sunset, bare feet on the soft grass in a park. You both receive the mental boost of physical activity, plus the renewed connection via communication in a gorgeous setting away from modern-day distractions like television and cell phones that can take attention away from our significant others during conversation.”
Walking takes a couple out of the normal day-to-day environment, where conversation tends to naturally flow—no expectations, no pressure. “I have seen firsthand the results of couples who walk together, talk together, and stay together,” says the Melbourne therapist who dedicates her life to transforming the lives of many in positive and long term ways.