Regain after Bariatric Surgery

Regain After Bariatric Surgery


Are you experiencing Regain after Bariatric surgery? Regardless of what you call it Regain, Stalled, Plateau it sends feelings of dread and failure through your system.  It can be avoided and is not something you have to suffer.  Regain, Stalled or Plateau does not mean you have failed.  It’s merely an indication that you need some assistance and professional intervention to address what is happening and a plan to get moving again towards your desired goal.

Approximately 60-80% of Bariatric Surgery recipients will experience regain at some stage of their journey.  It is not unusual for people even at 3 months post-surgery to experience regain or plateaus.  It would be easy at this stage to just give up.  However, you had weight loss surgery because you wanted a better healthier life for yourself, and you deserve that. As devastating as it can feel you can move through this.


Progressing through the stages of Bariatric Surgery you will resume a level of normal eating.  It is usually at this stage that those old eating habits of overeating, emotional eating and even bingeing will begin sneaking back into your eating regime.  The roller coaster of emotions will begin.  Increased numbers on that damn scale and clothes getting a bit firmer will heighten the stress of feeling out of control.

The worst thing you can do at this stage is accept the regain and give up on yourself.  Guilt, shame and embarrassment of finding yourself having to deal with this again can be overwhelming and it doesn’t need to be. This is the time in your weight loss journey where we need to acknowledge what happened, what, how and why we veered off course.  Believe me its fixable.  We deal with it, learn from it and adjust the process going forward.


Tips for Getting Back on Track

A few quick tips you can implement right now to adjust and get back on track to achieve your ideal weight loss goal.

  • Reach out and seek help from a professional in the area. If you are resisting getting help let go of any shame, guilt or embarrassment that may be holding you back.
  • Replacing 1 or 2 meals with a Protein Drink to kickstart your metabolism can work wonders to Reset your Programme.
  • Avoid impulse buying of comfort and inappropriate food by Planning & Preparing all meals in advance.
  •  Write down why and when you began to slip back into old fat brain thinking.  What triggered the relapse?  What happened that steered you off your course? Knowledge is power. It’s important to get this out of your head and not ruminate over it.

Healthy living program Melbourne


Our Minds are so powerful.  It is so critical to Change your Mindset and your relationship with food to ensure permanent successful weight loss after your Bariatric Surgery.  Changing that Fat Brain Mindset changes our brains neural pathways, reorganises our thoughts to create new habits and behaviours that ensure sustainable weight loss success.


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