Choosing the Right Weight Loss Surgery: Your Journey Begins

Hey there, explorers of a healthier you! When it comes to taking charge of your health and feeling amazing, weight loss surgery is like a treasure chest of possibilities. But wait, how do you even begin to figure out which surgery suits you best? Fear not, because in this guide, we’re here to make it super easy for you to pick the perfect path to your goals.

Exploring Different Weight Loss Surgeries:

Think of weight loss surgeries as different superheroes, each with a unique power to help you. We’ve got the stars of the show: gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, and gastric banding. They’re all awesome in their own way, so let’s dive in and see which one suits you.

Gastric Bypass Surgery: How It Works and Who It’s For:

Imagine a magical route that helps you eat less and absorb fewer calories. That’s gastric bypass for you! It’s like the superhero of rapid weight loss. If you’re dealing with obesity and health issues like diabetes, this might just be your ultimate sidekick.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery: What to Expect and Why It’s Cool:

Meet the surgery that’s all about balance. Gastric sleeve surgery trims down your stomach, making it a pro at controlling your hunger. If you’re looking for steady progress and dealing with a lower BMI, this hero might be your perfect fit.

Things to Keep in Mind:

Okay, hold up! Before you dive into surgery, let’s chat about a few important things. Your health history, your dreams, and your expectations—they’re all part of the superhero squad that guides your decision.

Health and History: Which Surgery Is Safe for You?:

Picture this: a superhero team of doctors who want to know everything about you. Your medical history and previous surgeries are like clues they need to recommend the best superhero surgery for you. Teamwork makes the dream work!

Expectations: What’s the Deal with Weight Loss?:

Here’s the scoop: different surgeries bring different weight loss results. Some give you speedy changes, like a superhero dash. Others offer a steady, reliable transformation. It’s all about what suits your style and pace.

Perks and Considerations:

Let’s talk benefits and things to keep an eye on. Just like every superhero has strengths and weaknesses, these surgeries have their own superpowers and challenges.

Fast vs. Steady: Comparing Surgery Results:

Imagine losing weight super fast or taking it slow and steady. Gastric bypass is like a speedy rollercoaster, while gastric sleeve is your trusty turtle—consistent and sure. It’s your call: zoom ahead or stroll towards your goals.

Possible Hiccups: Understanding Risks and Healing:

Hey, even superheroes have their moments, right? Surgery comes with potential risks like infections or bleeding. But with your healthcare team watching over you and following their advice, you’ve got this!

Getting Personal:

Let’s talk about having a friendly chat with a bariologist. They’re your sidekick—your expert on this weight loss journey. They’ll make sure you have all the info you need to choose your superhero surgery wisely.

Bariologist: Your Trusty Guide to Super Surgery:

Meet the bariologist, your partner in crime-fighting weight loss. With their help, you’ll figure out which superhero surgery suits you. They’ll guide you through the maze and help you pick the path to your goals.

Getting Ready for Surgery: It’s Not Just About Your Body:

So, you’ve chosen your superhero surgery. High-five! But before the big day, let’s get your mind and heart in on the action too.

FAQs: Your Curious Questions, Answered:

  1. Q: Can anyone get weight loss surgery?
    • A: Almost! Your health history and individual situation matter. Talk to a doctor to find out if it’s the right fit for you.
  2. Q: How much weight will I lose after surgery?
    • A: It varies! Some surgeries bring quick results, while others take their time. It’s about finding what clicks with you.
  3. Q: Are there risks with surgery?
    • A: Like any adventure, surgery comes with risks. But with experts by your side, you’ll face them like a superhero!
  4. Q: How do I get ready for surgery mentally?
    • A: Get in the superhero mindset! Believe in yourself, surround yourself with support, and get excited about the positive changes ahead.

Ready to Fly: Benefits of Super Surgery:

  1. Health Boost: These surgeries can tackle health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure—getting you closer to your healthiest self.
  2. Feeling Awesome: Imagine having more energy and moving with ease. That’s the magic of shedding weight!
  3. Long-Term Success: Superhero surgeries teach you new habits that last. You’re not just losing weight; you’re gaining healthy habits for life.
  4. Experts Have Your Back: With a bariologist on your team, you’re not alone. Their expertise helps you make the best choices for your journey.
  5. A Supportive Community: Join a squad of fellow superheroes on similar journeys. They’ll cheer you on and share their wisdom.
  6. Transformation Inside and Out: It’s not just about the outside. These surgeries can boost your confidence and mental well-being too.

Conclusion: Your Super Journey Awaits:

Choosing a superhero surgery is a big deal, and you’ve got all the tools to make the best choice for you. Trust your medical team, lean on your bariologist, and remember—it’s your superhero journey, and the best part? You’re the hero of your own story. So, what are you waiting for? Let the adventure begin!

Beware the Feeders and Food Pushers at Christmas

Feeders and Food Pushers at Christmas  

The Weight Loss Saboteurs

Beware the Feeders and Food Pushers at Christmas.  Are you one who dreads Christmas because of social functions and Christmas day Lunches & Dinner?  All that wonderful food.  Lovingly cooked hams, turkeys, beef, chicken.  Vegetables of all sorts and salads that would rival any royal banquet.  Those enticing desserts and chocolates.  The obligatory alcohol.


If you struggle with ongoing weight issues or have had weight loss surgery, the dread of Christmas cheer will start early December and continue most likely until New Year’s Eve.   You tell yourself next year will be different, I will be prepared but it becomes a cycle repeated year in year out always with the promise of change next time.



Part of breaking this cycle is being aware and mindful of a few things which are particularly prevalent around the festive season.

Watch out for the Feeders.  You know the ones.  They want you to pile your plate up high with everything in sight and if you don’t do it, they will do it for you. A Mt Everest of food. It’s like a competition to see who can stuff down the most food but there is no prize at the end just a feeling of bloating and nausea with a commitment that you won’t be doing that again.

Feeders come in all shapes and sizes from all ethnicities.  They are constantly walking around with plates and tongs dumping morsels onto your plate reassuring you there is more than enough for a second helping.

Then there are the Feeders that guilt you into eating even when you don’t want to or don’t like what is on offer.  They have spent all week cooking and preparing for this wonderful day just so you can share in their legendary gourmet offerings.  Don’t even think about refusing their food for you will offend them on a scale of epic proportion.


As you are being coerced into stuffing yourself, I want you to be aware and take note of what size the host feeder is and how much they eat themselves.  My experience with a lot of observant research shows that generally the host feeder is slim or slim-ish.  Other information of note is that rarely will you see these Feeders each much themselves.  Their sole purpose is to feed everyone else which becomes merely an exercise in making themselves feel emotionally fulfilled.

To survive these Pushers of Food and not sabotage your weight loss, here are a couple of tips that work.

  • Put a little of each food item on your plate. You will find if you do this the host Feeder will most often leave you alone.
  • Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly and savouring the taste, really enjoy every mouthful you eat.
  • Stop eating when you get that initial feeling of satiety. Remember its ok to leave food on your plate and not eat it!
  • I know someone who takes a “doggy bag/container” with them, so they take home what is left on their plate to eat at the next meal or next day. If you have real issues with wasting food, then this is a good option.
  • Communicate you have had enough to eat and that you are satisfied. If this is met with resistance from the Feeder you need to be firm in your stance.

Eat and be merry.  Enjoy yourself.  Enjoy your food, really enjoy it.  Its one day, one meal and it doesn’t need to be the catalyst for fear or weight loss sabotage that it may have been in the past.


Merry Christmas and a successful  2023


Eating Out After Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery


Eating Out After Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery


Are you fearful of eating out after bariatric weight loss surgery?  You are not alone.  The thought of It can fill you with anxiety and dread. The good news is that with a few new strategies you can eat out and do it with confidence.  Whether you are attending a social function such as a wedding or going to a restaurant, you can master the art of eating out and enjoy the experience.

Helpful Tips for Eating Out after WLS


  1. With so many people having special dietary requirements, social functions are much easier to attend after bariatric weight loss surgery. You can now use this option to stay on track without feeling different.
  2. Several days prior to the attending a Restaurant, I always view the menu online. This allows you to plan your meal ahead of time so you can order with confidence.  Sometimes there may be nothing suitable, in this case I would generally ask if we could move the venue, or I would eat at home before hand and arrive a little later for coffee and maybe a little dessert.
  3. Some functions will offer only finger foods. I find that if you always have a plate in your hand with a couple of nibblies on it then people don’t keep pressuring you to eat more. It works!
  4. Remember to hydrate at least 30 minutes before your meal to avoid any confusion between thirst and hunger
  5. Eat slowly, chew your food, really saviour the flavour of what you are eating, enjoy every mouthful. There is no rush to finish your meal.
  6. Stop eating when you feel that first sign of satiety. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to get the message from your stomach that you have had enough to eat.
  7. Enjoy the company you are with. Talking and interacting will help slow down your eating process.
  8. If there is food left on your plate, ask the waiter for a take-out container, and take it home for later.
  9. Avoid Alcohol. Apart from the hidden calories, alcohol is metabolised differently after bariatric weight loss surgery.  You can get quite tipsy very quickly and lose control of your eating and alcohol consumption.

Planning prior to your social engagement

will diminish stress and worry of eating out allowing you to enjoy a normal social life after weight loss surgery.  You just won’t eat as much as you used to and you will be surprised how easy it is to maintain a social life after weight loss surgery.


Bon Appetit!




Because, Because I Can

Because, Because I Can

I’m sitting here on a wonderful sunny day with a pot of freshly brewed tea in a regal looking cup and saucer fit for a queen.  Peaceful, warm. Feeling a slight breeze and very content with my lot.  Then I realise I’m eating this delicious long pastry with cream, jam, and fabulous pink icing on top.  It looks spectacular.


I bite into this artwork of pastry in anticipation it will taste amazing. My reality is, I can’t even taste it.  If there is a taste, it’s one of those overly sweet sugary types. You know the ones, they have you wondering just how many teaspoons of sugar you are consuming in that one piece of deliciousness.


There is no enjoyment in eating this.  I am somewhat disappointed.  So, I ask myself WHY?  Why are you eating this?  Because I can.  Because no one can tell me not to.  Because it’s there.  Because it just looks so damn good.


Because, Because, Because,  Because, Because.


For me, the epitome of being slimmer, was being able to sit down in a café enjoying a coffee and a sweet treat without being judged by anyone for doing so.  Just being there, being normal, feeling normal.  Feeling confident. Because slim people could do that.  I wanted to do that.


So much of my life what I ate was scrutinised by my father.  He meant well.  He really did.  However, his actions and over concern for my weight initiated a myriad of issues including, secret eating habits and buying of “forbidden” food.  Thus began the installation of a relationship with food that was totally toxic and secretive. They were hard years.  They were sad years.


As I look back at this pastry thingy, I wonder if I am eating it out of rebellion?  Just to reinforce that no one is the boss of me, and I can eat whatever I want?  Maybe, maybe not.  WHAT I DO KNOW IS THAT I HAVE A CHOICE.   DO I need it?  NO.  Do I want it?  NO. Am I hungry?  NO. What will I get from eating it?  NOTHING.


So Why did I order this artistic masterpiece of pastry?  Habit.

It’s what I used to do in My Fat Life. I ate unconsciously.  What triggered this hiccup?  Feeling somewhat flat and isolated due to a health issue and it had been some time since I was able to frequent a cafe.  It’s very normal to revert to what made us feel safe or secure in the past.  It cocoons us.  The question is do we stay in the cocoon because it feels familiar and safe in the moment?  For me, luckily, my years of training and working with bariatric weight loss clients kicked in exactly as it was supposed to.  Having control over the seductiveness of that pastry is a major triumph.


You want to know if I continued to eat it don’t you? 

I didn’t.  I had no want to.


Soaking up the glorious sun I continued to enjoy the flavour and aroma of my freshly brewed tea in my regal style crockery.  Content knowing that I can choose to eat what I want without guilt, shame, or judgement. Because, Because I Can.


Living and eating consciously is what I do now.  I moved out of that cocoon.


Stay Savvy


PS. :   If you want to live and eat consciously schedule a free strategy call and let’s have a chat




Regain after Bariatric Surgery

Regain After Bariatric Surgery


Are you experiencing Regain after Bariatric surgery? Regardless of what you call it Regain, Stalled, Plateau it sends feelings of dread and failure through your system.  It can be avoided and is not something you have to suffer.  Regain, Stalled or Plateau does not mean you have failed.  It’s merely an indication that you need some assistance and professional intervention to address what is happening and a plan to get moving again towards your desired goal.

Approximately 60-80% of Bariatric Surgery recipients will experience regain at some stage of their journey.  It is not unusual for people even at 3 months post-surgery to experience regain or plateaus.  It would be easy at this stage to just give up.  However, you had weight loss surgery because you wanted a better healthier life for yourself, and you deserve that. As devastating as it can feel you can move through this.


Progressing through the stages of Bariatric Surgery you will resume a level of normal eating.  It is usually at this stage that those old eating habits of overeating, emotional eating and even bingeing will begin sneaking back into your eating regime.  The roller coaster of emotions will begin.  Increased numbers on that damn scale and clothes getting a bit firmer will heighten the stress of feeling out of control.

The worst thing you can do at this stage is accept the regain and give up on yourself.  Guilt, shame and embarrassment of finding yourself having to deal with this again can be overwhelming and it doesn’t need to be. This is the time in your weight loss journey where we need to acknowledge what happened, what, how and why we veered off course.  Believe me its fixable.  We deal with it, learn from it and adjust the process going forward.


Tips for Getting Back on Track

A few quick tips you can implement right now to adjust and get back on track to achieve your ideal weight loss goal.

  • Reach out and seek help from a professional in the area. If you are resisting getting help let go of any shame, guilt or embarrassment that may be holding you back.
  • Replacing 1 or 2 meals with a Protein Drink to kickstart your metabolism can work wonders to Reset your Programme.
  • Avoid impulse buying of comfort and inappropriate food by Planning & Preparing all meals in advance.
  •  Write down why and when you began to slip back into old fat brain thinking.  What triggered the relapse?  What happened that steered you off your course? Knowledge is power. It’s important to get this out of your head and not ruminate over it.

Healthy living program Melbourne


Our Minds are so powerful.  It is so critical to Change your Mindset and your relationship with food to ensure permanent successful weight loss after your Bariatric Surgery.  Changing that Fat Brain Mindset changes our brains neural pathways, reorganises our thoughts to create new habits and behaviours that ensure sustainable weight loss success.


Stay Savvy