To Tell or Not to Tell



To Tell or Not to Tell – do I tell them or don’t I?  I’ve just made one of the most important decisions in my life.  I’ve done the research, looked at the pros and cons, and made the commitment emotionally and financially.   I feel great, it’s the right decision for me.  Weight loss surgery is going to help change my life in so many ways.  I deserve this.

The decision to tell or not to tell now overwhelms me.  I feel like a thunderbolt struck right in the middle of my chest. Those euphoric moments of a new slimmer life are replaced with fear, dread, shame, and guilt.


To Tell or Not to Tell

If I tell, who do I tell and why?

What do I expect their response to be?

What if it’s not what I wanted or expected

Can I cope with negative responses to WLS?

Do I have to tell?

If I don’t tell and they find out, how will I cope with that.

Won’t they suspect anyway, I can’t hide a massive weight loss?

If it was them, would they tell.

And on and on and on….


We can never pre-empt what another’s response will be.  The very people you thought would support and encourage you through this journey can often be the very people who shoot you down.  Comments like:


To Tell or Not to Tell
I’m confused – do I tell or don’t I?

Just stop eating so much

Get off your backside and exercise.

Surgery is taking the easy way out

You’ve always been big that’s who you are

You will just put it back on like you always do

It’s the lazy persons way of cheating

Just diet and exercise that’s all you need to do

 Confiding in someone you thought would have your back and getting an adverse response is devastating


Take the time before disclosing to really think about why you are disclosing.  Do you want support and encouragement or are you just telling because you feel obligated to?  Maybe it’s because you are excited about a new slimmer future and just want to share that.  We want those we love to feel our excitement, to be happy for us like they would an upcoming wedding or birth.

Reflect on Your Intentions

Understanding your motivation for disclosing is important. The need for emotional support, encouragement and accountability from loved ones cannot be underestimated. Having an understanding and compassionate support and/or a support network can make an enormous difference to your journey after weight loss surgery.

Evaluate Your Support System

Sharing your decision for weight loss surgery you may encounter judgement, unsolicited advice, opinions, and privacy concerns.  Revealing personal health information might challenge your sense of privacy, especially with acquaintances or colleagues.  Many are quick to announce that your weight loss is due to surgery rather than your hard committed work.

Set Boundaries

Establish clear boundaries with individuals who might not be supportive or understanding, focusing on your well-being.  Knowing you have had Weight Loss Surgery some people take on their role in the Food Policing Squad with even more vigour.   Scrutinising and issuing “warnings” about how much and what you are eating.  Contemplate the extent to which you are comfortable with vulnerability and openness.

Anticipate Potential Reactions

Sharing your story might impact your emotional health.  Consider the potential reactions you might receive upon disclosing your weight loss surgery. While some may offer support and encouragement, others might not fully understand the complexities of your decision. Be prepared for a range of responses, both positive and negative. Negative reactions or judgment from others could potentially affect your self-esteem and progress.

Weight Loss Surgery is a recognised medical procedure.  You do not need to justify your decision to anyone.   Unfortunately, there will always be some who seek to undermine your choice.

Seek Professional Guidance

To Tell or Not to Tell
Talking with a professional can help with your decision to tell or not to tell


If you’re unsure about whether to disclose your weight loss surgery, consider seeking guidance from a mental health professional. A therapist can help you navigate your feelings, provide coping strategies, and assist in making an informed decision.


To Tell or Not to Tell – It’s not an easy decision.  But whatever you decide, be comfortable and happy with it.  Decide, commit, and focus on your weight loss journey with pride and confidence.  It’s your life, your decision and you deserve a slimmer healthier body.


If you have any queries or would like to know how we can help you on this amazing life changing journey, please contact us or book a free strategy call via our  website

Stay Savvy



Because, Because I Can

Because, Because I Can

I’m sitting here on a wonderful sunny day with a pot of freshly brewed tea in a regal looking cup and saucer fit for a queen.  Peaceful, warm. Feeling a slight breeze and very content with my lot.  Then I realise I’m eating this delicious long pastry with cream, jam, and fabulous pink icing on top.  It looks spectacular.


I bite into this artwork of pastry in anticipation it will taste amazing. My reality is, I can’t even taste it.  If there is a taste, it’s one of those overly sweet sugary types. You know the ones, they have you wondering just how many teaspoons of sugar you are consuming in that one piece of deliciousness.


There is no enjoyment in eating this.  I am somewhat disappointed.  So, I ask myself WHY?  Why are you eating this?  Because I can.  Because no one can tell me not to.  Because it’s there.  Because it just looks so damn good.


Because, Because, Because,  Because, Because.


For me, the epitome of being slimmer, was being able to sit down in a café enjoying a coffee and a sweet treat without being judged by anyone for doing so.  Just being there, being normal, feeling normal.  Feeling confident. Because slim people could do that.  I wanted to do that.


So much of my life what I ate was scrutinised by my father.  He meant well.  He really did.  However, his actions and over concern for my weight initiated a myriad of issues including, secret eating habits and buying of “forbidden” food.  Thus began the installation of a relationship with food that was totally toxic and secretive. They were hard years.  They were sad years.


As I look back at this pastry thingy, I wonder if I am eating it out of rebellion?  Just to reinforce that no one is the boss of me, and I can eat whatever I want?  Maybe, maybe not.  WHAT I DO KNOW IS THAT I HAVE A CHOICE.   DO I need it?  NO.  Do I want it?  NO. Am I hungry?  NO. What will I get from eating it?  NOTHING.


So Why did I order this artistic masterpiece of pastry?  Habit.

It’s what I used to do in My Fat Life. I ate unconsciously.  What triggered this hiccup?  Feeling somewhat flat and isolated due to a health issue and it had been some time since I was able to frequent a cafe.  It’s very normal to revert to what made us feel safe or secure in the past.  It cocoons us.  The question is do we stay in the cocoon because it feels familiar and safe in the moment?  For me, luckily, my years of training and working with bariatric weight loss clients kicked in exactly as it was supposed to.  Having control over the seductiveness of that pastry is a major triumph.


You want to know if I continued to eat it don’t you? 

I didn’t.  I had no want to.


Soaking up the glorious sun I continued to enjoy the flavour and aroma of my freshly brewed tea in my regal style crockery.  Content knowing that I can choose to eat what I want without guilt, shame, or judgement. Because, Because I Can.


Living and eating consciously is what I do now.  I moved out of that cocoon.


Stay Savvy


PS. :   If you want to live and eat consciously schedule a free strategy call and let’s have a chat




Regain after Bariatric Surgery

Regain After Bariatric Surgery


Are you experiencing Regain after Bariatric surgery? Regardless of what you call it Regain, Stalled, Plateau it sends feelings of dread and failure through your system.  It can be avoided and is not something you have to suffer.  Regain, Stalled or Plateau does not mean you have failed.  It’s merely an indication that you need some assistance and professional intervention to address what is happening and a plan to get moving again towards your desired goal.

Approximately 60-80% of Bariatric Surgery recipients will experience regain at some stage of their journey.  It is not unusual for people even at 3 months post-surgery to experience regain or plateaus.  It would be easy at this stage to just give up.  However, you had weight loss surgery because you wanted a better healthier life for yourself, and you deserve that. As devastating as it can feel you can move through this.


Progressing through the stages of Bariatric Surgery you will resume a level of normal eating.  It is usually at this stage that those old eating habits of overeating, emotional eating and even bingeing will begin sneaking back into your eating regime.  The roller coaster of emotions will begin.  Increased numbers on that damn scale and clothes getting a bit firmer will heighten the stress of feeling out of control.

The worst thing you can do at this stage is accept the regain and give up on yourself.  Guilt, shame and embarrassment of finding yourself having to deal with this again can be overwhelming and it doesn’t need to be. This is the time in your weight loss journey where we need to acknowledge what happened, what, how and why we veered off course.  Believe me its fixable.  We deal with it, learn from it and adjust the process going forward.


Tips for Getting Back on Track

A few quick tips you can implement right now to adjust and get back on track to achieve your ideal weight loss goal.

  • Reach out and seek help from a professional in the area. If you are resisting getting help let go of any shame, guilt or embarrassment that may be holding you back.
  • Replacing 1 or 2 meals with a Protein Drink to kickstart your metabolism can work wonders to Reset your Programme.
  • Avoid impulse buying of comfort and inappropriate food by Planning & Preparing all meals in advance.
  •  Write down why and when you began to slip back into old fat brain thinking.  What triggered the relapse?  What happened that steered you off your course? Knowledge is power. It’s important to get this out of your head and not ruminate over it.

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Our Minds are so powerful.  It is so critical to Change your Mindset and your relationship with food to ensure permanent successful weight loss after your Bariatric Surgery.  Changing that Fat Brain Mindset changes our brains neural pathways, reorganises our thoughts to create new habits and behaviours that ensure sustainable weight loss success.


Stay Savvy



Importance Of Supplements

The Importance of Supplements Post Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery

The Importance of Supplements Post Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery.

It’s easy to forget The Importance of Supplements post Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery.  However, they are essential for your optimal health and wellbeing. You will quickly feel the effects of not taking your supplements or indeed not receiving adequate dosage.  A simple blood test requested by your GP or Dietitian will allow them to recommend which supplements you need, and levels required.

Missing a day here and there is ok, we all do it.  But it really is imperative that you stick to a committed daily routine of taking your supplements.  Keeping a diary on your kitchen bench and ticking it off each day will alleviate any amnesia on your part.

Remember this is a lifelong regime required for ongoing health of your body and mind.

In this Series we will take a quick look at each of the Essential Vitamins & Minerals required after Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery.


Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a powerhouse. It helps make DNA, nerve and blood cells, and is crucial for a healthy brain and immune system.

A Vitamin B12 deficiency is the most common deficiency among people who have undergone bariatric surgery. While about 5% of patients have this deficiency prior to surgery, about 13% have it once surgery is complete. The B12 deficiency tends to occur due to the inadequate digestion of vitamin B12.

B12 plays a vital role in nervous system functioning and the growth and replication of cells. Potential complications from having a deficiency in vitamin B12 include:


                      • Heart palpitations
                      • Shortness of breath
                      • Light-headedness
                      • Pale skin
                      • Loss of appetite
                      • Diarrhea
                      • Vision loss
                      • Memory loss
                      • Depression

Bariatric patients are more likely to develop a vitamin B12 deficiency than other people because their digestive tracts have been changed.

This causes an interference with the natural absorption of B12. In adults who have not undergone bariatric surgery, the body uses stomach acid to break down vitamin B12, which lets it get absorbed into the body.




There are several ways to take your supplements.  My personal preference is via Sublingual methods, e.g.: Sprays, Dissolvable/Chewable tablets under the tongue, Liquids, Drops or powders.  B12 injections are also very effective way of administering this vital supplement. Most vitamin and minerals tablets you get from the pharmacies are full of fillers and actually don’t dissolve that well for people who haven’t had Bariatric Surgery.  Those of you who may have had Lap Band surgery will have found that tablets will have become stuck and caused many problems.

Sublingual ingestion, in my opinion. is the only viable way for Bariatric Surgery recipients to get the recommended requirements of Vitamins & Minerals necessary for optimal long-lasting health.


It is very important to understand the importance of Supplements post bariatric weight loss surgery due to the malabsorption issues created by the change in the gut microbiome.

Stay Savvy


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Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau after Weight Loss Surgery

Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau after Weight Loss Surgery

A Weight Loss Plateau after Weight Loss Surgery can be a huge knock to one’s confidence and self-esteem. It can happen at 3 or 6 months but mostly it appears somewhere around the 18-24 month mark. Tips to Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau after Weight Loss Surgery are a very important tool.

The important thing is to not get too frustrated. Plateaus are a normal part of weight loss and weight loss management after surgery. A plateau occurs for a few reasons most of which can be overcome. One reason is that the body’s metabolism adapts as you begin to eat less, so as you reduce your food intake your metabolism slows down and you burn less fat. Your body is adjusting to a lower caloric level and requires less fuel than previously.

Plateaus happen. Even after weight loss surgery. They are temporary and generally easy to overcome.

Here are a few ways in which a plateau can be overcome and weight loss “kick-started” again.

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Change your eating routine

Your metabolism reacts to the way you eat as well as what you eat. While it is a good thing to eat regular meals (but smaller portions) your metabolism becomes used to the regularity of your eating so change your routine for a day or two. Eat at different times than usual and vary the type of food you eat.

Don’t Avoid Carbs

Don’t avoid carbs completely Eating too few carbohydrates can actually cause weight to stay the same or increase since carbohydrates control leptin, which helps keep your metabolism running at full speed for optimum weight loss results.

Drink more water

Thirst is often mistaken for hunger. Every time you feel the urge to snack, drink a glass of water first and see if the urge goes away. Coffee, tea, or any other juices count as liquids, but add an extra glass of pure water for each cup of coffee you drink, as caffeine tends to dehydrate the body.

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will keep the weight loss going by speeding up metabolism, increasing weight loss from fiber in food, and reducing calorie intake from beverages that have no nutritional value.

reducing calories - savvy bariatrics

Keep Exercising

If you’ve hit a weight loss plateau, don’t skip your workouts. Exercising will help you burn off the excess weight that’s sapping your weight loss progress. Maintain weight loss by remaining active and eating less – not exercising more.

Check here a Weight Loss Program for Everyone.

Track what you Eat

If the weight isn’t coming off like it used to, track what you’re eating. It’s possible that you may be taking in too many calories to continue weight loss. Food Amnesia is a major reason we see plateaus and regain. Keeping a food diary for 3-4 weeks will help you see any patterns with your food intake that may be a contributing factor.

Get Quality Sleep

Getting enough quality sleep can help prevent weight gain that may occur with weight loss plateaus. Sleep deprivation often leads to weight gain due to hormonal changes, increased appetite, cravings for junk food, and weight retention. If you aren’t getting the full seven to eight hours of sleep your body requires, try to get at least five hours of sleep every night.

Stay motivated

Remember why you had Weight Loss Surgery and the outcome you desire. View a plateau as a hiccup on your journey to managing your weight for a healthier life. However, if you are having trouble coping, please talk to your health professional or surgeon.

Break it Down

Keep weight loss goals small. Oftentimes we get overwhelmed by the amount of weight we need or want to lose. Chunk it down into 5kg/10lb goals. Take the overwhelm out of your weight loss journey. Weight loss plateaus are common when people become frustrated from not seeing weight loss results fast enough.

Weight Loss Plateaus after Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery are NORMAL. Don’t get disheartened! Stay motivated and you will get over the hump. Whatever you do, don’t give up. Hang in there! Stay on the program and you will achieve your goal and lose the weight you desire.

For more information please go to our website
