Mental Health Preventing Weight-Loss Surgery Success

Mental Health Preventing Weight -Loss Surgery Success

Bariatric Surgery, a broad term used to identify weight loss procedures such as sleeve gastrectomy, is popular for people trying to lose weight in Australia. 

Without psychological help before and after surgery, these procedures have been proven to lead to mental illness and weight regain. 

According to the AIHW, From 2014-2015, there were 9.7 weight loss surgery separations per 10,000 of the population, with Western Australia with the highest rate at 17.3. Furthermore, around 18,000 (79%) weight loss separations were for female patients and 4,800 for male patients. 

This growth in weight loss surgery can be linked-to ABS statistics (2017-18), which state nearly two-thirds of Australian adults are overweight or obese, over 12.5million people!

Gastrectomies are now becoming the last resort for people suffering from health conditions due to obesity, trying in desperation to achieve the quality of life they desire. However, despite the positives presented in this surgery for reducing weight, there is a lack of focus on what can go wrong, particularly if mindset patterns are linked in with the weight issue. 

There are physical and mental problems that can derail the success of weight loss before and after bariatric surgery. 

Bodies post-surgery are not able to absorb all the nutrients in food, with most people thinking the more nutritionally healthy  they eat, the better. However, this is wrong. To eat the right way, for example, using a gastric bypass diet like Roux-en-Y, you also need to consume the correct vitamin and mineral supplements.

What is most alarming, however, is the unsuccessful rate of these weight-loss surgeries due to mental health. 

A study in 2017 by the Current Obesity Reports, ‘Psychological Aspects of Bariatric Surgery as a Treatment for Obesity’ found that there is a higher prevalence of psychological co-morbidities in people who seek bariatric surgeries. There is a higher rate of people getting this surgery with mood disorders, psychological distress, eating disorders, anxiety, alcohol use, personality disorders and low self-esteem. 

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Now with a drastic change like Bariatric surgery, where a part of your stomach is removed, change in thought patterns are required so you can align your beliefs and self talk with your goals.

A lack of postoperative psychological follow up can lead to failure, heartache and even life threatening physical side effects. This is extremely unfortunate given the “postsurgical psychological challenges the procedure elicits” because of an inadequate psych support system. Often resulting in body image concerns, mood changes, stress, substance use, and weight regain. 

We often get calls from distressed patients who are vitamizing their food into liquid for emotional comfort.

Ice cream and even pizza, or chocolate. Thousands of dollars being spent on surgery only to risk physical damage to the internal organs is no fun and dangerous. Often the reasons lurking beneath are not simple and require the help of a professional to gain control over and renew the possibility of success. Doctors refer patients to us post surgery to help them address habits and attitudes, retrain thought patterns and change. We are passionate about helping you achieve your goal and our success stories are inspiring. Re-patterning the brain is possible and we see the positive outcomes daily. 

The study suggests that people can lose drastic weight and appear to have positive physical health improvements post-op. 

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Weight regain could be reduced with the right mental help before and after surgery, equalling a better quality of life. There is also the new you waiting. How will you feel with a different body and changing attitudes? Get the scaffolding ready to be successful. We are all only human, you don’t have to walk the path alone. We are here to help you feel empowered, confident and reassured.  CHANGE IS A PHONE CALL AWAY. 

Need help? Call today on 0412 810 078 to make your best life changes happen TODAY.




Intuition- Biological Superpower or Woo Woo?

Trust yourself, know yourself, you have heard it all right?

So what about intuition? That little old niggle, the vibe, the “gut feeling” is it all woo-woo or is it a biological superpower?

In my field of work, assisting people in letting go of negative thinking and enabling positive-thought processes is instrumental in helping people live their best life. A part of this is educating and retraining people so their natural instincts can kick back in again. So the answer is yes intuition has a functional place in our lives and is a biological superpower!

Three decades of cognitive science research have demonstrated that humans are an intuitive species.

In fact, according to a study by Coley and Tanner in 2012 we humans display a collection of biological entities, they call them regularities of cognitive construals. The report explains: ” A cognitive construal is an informal, intuitive way of thinking about the world. It might be a set of assumptions, a type of explanation, or a predisposition to a particular type of reasoning. Three such cognitive construals—teleological thinking, essentialist thinking, and anthropocentric thinking—are common themes spanning research on intuitive biological thought.”

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They are not alone, Brene Brown, the author of five No.1 New York Times best-selling books and research professor into human behavior says “Intuition is not a single way of knowing – it’s our ability to hold space for uncertainty and our willingness to trust the many ways we’ve developed knowledge and insight, including instinct, experience, faith, and reason.”

Your intuition is the sum of all your experiences, your perceptions, and filters.

Trusting yourself to use this knowledge which directs itself into a more finite distinct sensation, often presenting as a “gut feeling.” Some of the most successful people in the world are renown for honing in on and using their intuition. Why? Because it is more accurate than another person’s perspective of your life. When we listen to other people’s opinions of our life or direction, we can become powerless and lose our ability to be intuitive. “I rely far more on gut instinct than researching huge amounts of statistics,” wrote Richard Branson in one of his memoirs. “I tend to make up my mind about people within thirty seconds of meeting them.”

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So how do we do it?

It sounds simple, but practice does make perfect.  Learning to trust yourself is essential to live an authentic life — the word authentic means: not a copy, genuine. So if you are to have a genuine life true to your ideals and journey, your inner compass is very important.

Your instincts and intuitive gears are about building your self- trust, a muscle if you will. The more you use them and test them, the more you begin to understand the feelings, their accuracy and gauge with a fine point the directions to take in life or the sense you get about a situation.

While it is good to talk to someone and bounce ideas off them, ensure it is someone non-bias who has no ulterior motive in their connection or can be impacted by your decision making, as ultimately their opinion may be influenced by their filters and perceptions of you and your life.

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When we experience positive outcomes from actions we take, new neural pathways develop to support this action.

Do something positive enough times, and it becomes second nature. This goes for intuition. Feel it, know it, practice it and if you need help or want an unbiased person to talk to- Book an appointment

Want to change your thoughts in 5 days? Try our complimentary 5 Day Thought Challenge.
Savvy Changemaker 5 Day Challenge

When you Change Your Mind, you will, Change Your Life

Have you ever wondered why we spend more time on our physical health than we do on our emotional and psychological health? I have! As a transformational therapist I see the ramifications of the neglect in this area every day with my clients, friends and family. Hell, even myself. We are all guilty of focusing on looking good, having the best house in the street, the latest car, getting trim, toned, six packs etc etc, you get the idea.

We service our cars regularly because if we don’t, they develop problems that will sometimes render them unable to operate properly, if at all. But when was the last time you had a service on your emotional or psychological health and well being? Interesting question isn’t it?.

It is the ignorance of the lack of importance we place on this issue that eventually leaves us unable to cope when we face life changing and life challenging events. Then when we feel desperate and defeated, sometimes feeling stuck in an emotional spiraling abyss, only then do we seek help and education.

Its my mission to change this thought process.

Our Brains are truly amazing. In order for permanent change to happen, you need to rewire your brain, your mindset, regardless of what issue you need help with. You will learn the skills and strategies required for permanent change in behaviours and emotions that may have kept you stuck, overwhelmed and feeling helpless.

These programs are designed to empower you to reach beyond your limits so that you can truly live your potential.

Your thoughts control your life, what are you thinking right now? Would you want that to be permanent. Oftentimes instead of focusing on what we want we are concentrating on exactly what we don’t want and just getting more of the same. I am here to help you change those thoughts, to step out of the thought bubble that has kept you stuck.

Making your emotional and psychological health and well being your first priority is the most important and life changing thing you can do for yourself and those that love you.