Tag Archives: Mondaydietitis after Weight Loss Surgery

Mondaydietitis after Weight Loss Surgery

Are you still suffering from “Mondaydietitis” after Weight Loss Surgery?

That endless cycle of Monday dieting that ends Monday afternoon or Tuesday when you perceive you have “ruined the day” and the Monday diet goes out the window again. Its demoralising isn’t it.

Most recipients of Baritric Weight Loss Surgery expect that they will never have to do Mondaydietitis again. Yet we fall back into old patterns. This is learned behaviour that becomes a habit and repeatedly those feelings of defeat, overwhelm and helplessness are being reinforced. Exactly what we do not want.

So, what if we just stop doing the Monday Diet thing and learn to eat mindfully instead? Some of you will feel panic at that idea. The truth is that diets equate to deprivation and as you know diets and deprivation just do not work. They never have and they never will. What does work however is a mind change, an attitude change. Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery has given you a great tool but unless the missing link in making over your Mindset and relationship with food is undertaken, you are setting yourself up for more struggle.

If you find yourself eating something YOU believe you shouldn’t, ask yourself these questions – before you eat! Write down the answers to these questions. It is a very powerful tool.

  • Why shouldn’t I be eating this?
  • Who said I can’t eat it?
  • Why do I think I want it?
  • What will it give me once I have eaten it?
  • Am I eating because I am hungry?
  • What am I really hungry for?

These are just a few of the questions you can ask yourself to begin to take back control and create a new relationship with food.

Overeating and Binge Eating are natural responses to the restriction and deprivation that happens on a diet.

The minute we know we “can’t” have something, we want it. It’s human nature. You may not have had a cream cake for 6 months. Your brain hears that word “diet” what happens? You start craving what you think you can never ever eat again in your whole life. That’s what diets mean to our minds. It’s a concept you are never going to win.

I am here to tell you, it’s not your fault. You have been programmed to think like this.

You have learned to be restricted and obsessive about food and all it does is reinforce bad habits and behaviours of the dieting yo-yo and Mondaydietitis.

For more information about how we can help you take control once and for all and never diet or feel deprived again, contact us at our website www.savvybariatrics.com