Mindset Change – Key to Weight Loss Success

Mindset Change – Key to Weight Loss Success.  For too long now we have ignored the power of our brain in the weight loss equation.  Our brain drives our behaviours, habits, feelings and emotions.  

In order for Weight Loss Success to occur you must have a Mindset Change. When we are stressed, bored etc our brain seeks pleasure, comfort and familiarity.  This makes us feel safe, comfortable. It’s the power of the Brain not the power of the Will that is the key to regaining a healthy weight and maintaining it easily. We are all too aware that diets don’t work due to the restrictive nature and the internal battle that therefore ensues.


Mindset Change - Key to Weight Loss Success


Anyone can do a 12 week program and lose weight.  But what happens when its finished.

Generally, the weight will creep back on and before you know it you are back where you started and maybe even a little heavier.  Not great for your self esteem and confidence is it?   But what if you retrained your brain, your mindset about food whilst you undertook a program to achieve a healthy weight?

There is no good or bad food.  There is just food.  You know what to eat to be healthy and maintain a comfortable weight.  Yet when there is the slightest hint of stress we feel this uncontrollable urge to eat those sugary, sweet comfort foods.  Then we feel comfort and pleasure which is short lived and of course, you have to feed the urge again to get your hit.


Mindset Change - Key to Weight Loss Success


When we experience pleasure, our body gets a rush of dopamine, serotonin and endorphins, the pleasure hormones.

These hormones then attach to receptors in the brain reducing the effect of stress hormones.   Consumption of sugar changes the brain which in turn leads to the cycle of needing/craving more.    In order to get that same experience of pleasure.  So you feel hopeless and helpless, addicted to food and it all gets just so overwhelming.

Awareness of how the Amygdala brain initiates your impulses and behaviours is imperative to being able to control these triggers.  Learn how to manage these impulses and have permanent mindset changes that lead to permanent weight loss that is maintained.  Remember Mindset Change is Key to Weight Loss Success.


And you can do it all without dieting while controlling portion sizes and eliminating emotional eating.

For more information please visit https://www.savvybariatrics.com/service/emotional-eating

If you would like help achieving your weight loss goals head over to our website for more details.



BMI – Don’t let it Define You.

BMI – Don’t let it Define You.


Sam walked into my office and before he even sat down, blurted out that he was too fat to get insurance.  What? Like, What??  Sam was by appearances NOT overweight at all.  He was tall sculptured and looked vibrantly healthy.


Visibly concerned and upset. Sam was told that his BMI was too high.  He was very overweight bordering on obese and should do something about it if he wanted to get insurance coverage.   Still in absolute disbelief, I really wanted to swear at this stage, and I wanted to swear a LOT.  I knew where he was going.  It’s that damn BMI calculation again.   BMI don’t let it define you.

Without going into the semantics of the BMI calculator it was created some 200 years by Belgian Academic called Quetelet. Being flawed it is outdated and still unfortunately used by medical professions, insurance companies and governments.  I believe there was some form of update in America around 1985 but whichever way you cut it, BMI does not actually measure how fat you are. There is no differentiation between muscle, bone or distribution of fat throughout the body. Muscle as we know is very much denser than fat.

Hence this is the reason athletes, body builders, football players and boxers to name a few, may end up with a BMI reading that allocates them into the overweight and obese category.  This in itself shows the inaccuracy of BMI, yet we continue to be defined by it.


BMI – Don’t let it Define You.


As I listened to Sam unleash with vitriol that a flawed and outdated chart had in some way sealed his fate, I couldn’t help wonder if the physician actually looked at him at all.  Clearly, he is not overweight, he works out, he has muscles and a lot of them, but not overweight.  He questioned the result, he questioned they physician for his opinion of whether He thought he was overweight or not. – the answer was – This is the range you are in given the factors that determine your BMI from the Chart.  Where do you go from there? Sam asked.

Lucy recited how her walk of shame through the waiting room. The guilt the physician made her feel was a defining moment for her.  But could quite easily have destroyed her.

Lucy, who had lost some 23kg was told in no uncertain terms that she must be doing something wrong because her BMI has not reduced.  When she questioned the result, she was dismissed.  She was right to question the result it’s definitely wrong if it hasn’t changed after a 23kg loss.  I see clients getting a BMI reading and becoming obsessive about it because they are confused and overwhelmed.


BMI – Don’t let it Define You.


While Shaming people with a high BMI may not necessarily be the intention it certainly is the outcome for a large number of those who find themselves overweight or obese.  With an already fragile body image, shaming intentional or otherwise, actually has the opposite effect and can send some into a deeper state of overwhelm than they were before their BMI result.  Unfortunately, this is not uncommon.

Far more accurate means to measure fat, muscle and bone are available to us now.  It should be used instead of too much emphasis being placed on the BMI result.

Some fat is ok but too much fat in the wrong places is definitely a health risk.  Researchers note that the best measure for excess body fat involves the circumference of your waist.

BMI is also used as a  marker for those wanting or needing Weight Loss Surgery.  A lot of emphasis is placed on BMI in this instance by Surgeons.  Initially one needed a high BMI to qualify for Weight Loss Surgery.  Over the years the parameters have shifted with a lowering of BMI qualifiers allowing more people to participate in these programs.

Excess body fat around the middle has been linked to serious health issues including diabetes, stroke, certain cancers and heart disease.


BMI – Don’t let it Define You.


If you really want to know your body composition find a gym or health practitioner that has modern equipment giving you a detailed map of your body and body fat.   There are also mobile practitioners who will come to you with their equipment and perform the assessment in the privacy of your home or office.  No Shame, No Guilt, No Judgement.

My personal advice to Clients and others is to ditch the BMI.  Focus on what you can do to reduce your weight and regain health.   Seek out help from someone who gets you.  Someone who will guide and support you.

We clearly know if we are overweight or obese, its generally obvious.  Understanding and solution  would go a long way to encouraging weight loss and dealing with our obesity health crisis. Numbers from outdated charts are no longer relevant.

If you find yourself needing help with specific weight issues or want a free 30 minute strategy call please contact us at www.savvybariatrics.com.


Am I Really Hungry?

Next time you are eating ask yourself that question “Am I really Hungry”?  If the answer is yes, then be aware of where you feel that hunger.  Real hunger is gradual.


Its physical and that physical sensation is felt in your stomach.  Real hunger is not triggered by emotions or circumstance, or even walking past a bakery.  It’s not triggered by being bored, stressed, upset or lonely.  Hunger is a real physical response in your body.   Unfortunately,most of us are oblivious to it.  Knowing the difference between real hunger and emotional hunger or emotional eating will help you take back control of food instead of feeling that food controls you.

So, what if the answer to that question is “No, I’m not actually hungry”, what do you do then?  I want you to ask yourself another question – “Why am I wanting to eat this?”  Are you bored, stressed, angry?  Is it someone’s birthday and you think you should have that piece of cake because others are?  Do you have a craving for that piece of chocolate?   Being aware at this stage that you are eating emotionally and not because you are actually hungry is liberating.  Listening to your body and being aware of what you are feeling BEFORE you eat will give you freedom.  You will be making an absolute conscious decision whether to eat or not.  At https://www.savvybariatrics.com we are dedicated to helping you know the difference.


Mindful or Mindless Eating?

We have been programmed since early childhood to eat at certain times regardless of whether we are hungry or not.  That’s just what we do, what we learned, and we pass it on to each generation.

How many times were you told to finish everything on your plate before you were allowed to leave the table or allowed dessert as a reward?  Were you told to hurry and eat because you had to get to school or do chores or homework.  Do you do the same thing to your children?  I’m guessing probably you do.



What this actually does is teach people to eat when they are not hungry and to eat fast.  A definite recipe for being overweight. Food was used as a reward, as a special treat.  Given to us to make us feel better when we have been upset or emotional, or a reward for making grades at school or achieving milestones.  Have you ever dieted, lost weight or reached your goal weight and then rewarded yourself with food?  Yeh, me too.

Notice how you eat.  First one finished at the table?  If you eat fast slow down.  It takes approximately 15-20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that you have eaten.  People who eat fast are likely to eat 2/3 times more than they actually need in that timespan then hit the stuffed, bloated and feeling sick stage.


Cutting your food up, chewing at least 15-20 times, tasting it, savouring the flavour before swallowing, you will automatically eat less.  You will get to a stage of satiety where your brain will say STOP.  Am I Really Hungry?


Food left on your plate?  Worried about wasting food?  Wrap it up and eat it later if you are hungry.  Learn to reduce your portion size to what you actually eat mindfully to eliminate any food wastage.  If this is the only tool you use when eating I promise you, you will eat less, and lose weight.  It takes some practice but master the process and you will master your weight.  But it’s like anything – you have to do it.

We have an abundance of wonderful nutritional food available to us today and it seems to me we have lost the ability to enjoy, savour and really taste our food.  So, next time you are eating just notice if you are eating fast or slow and make a conscious decision to enjoy the process of eating, savouring the flavours and textures and making it an event instead of a quick fix.


If you need any help mastering your relationship with food in anyway, visit our website or call us and see how we can help you take control permanently.




Shame Can’t Be Vitamised

Shame Can’t be Vitamised

So you lose 60 kilos, which is a fantastic achievement! You have worked so hard, only to find yourself in the same cycle of consuming non-nutritious food, in liquid form. 


You receive the temporary joy food brings you, but an overwhelming shadow of shame lurks — fat shame. A cruel self-deprecating habit that is often reinforced by miseducation and the ignorance of others. It’s time for change and understanding. Your thoughts form beliefs, validated by the presumptions or perceptions of either ourselves or others. 

Leaderboard for Julia Lorent the Savvy Changemaker

This is not an uncommon story, and we would like to paint you a picture. We want to talk about Jennifer. This is not her real name, it has been changed for privacy reasons.  However, her pain, her trauma and her victory are very real. 


Jennifer is 44 years old, and is a sensational sister, partner friend and mother of three. Jennifer is going through perimenopause in this current stage of her life but still maintains her busy lifestyle and career with enthusiasm. What Jennifer doesn’t realise is that on a subconscious level, she has an emotional attachment to food because of a variety of reasons. Jennifer has in desperation, tried every diet, pill, exercise there is, but nothing seems to work, and the mental cycle of shame and negative self-talk ensues and grows. So, she saves up and books in for bariatric surgery. The problem is, however, regardless of the fat removed, or the stomach surgery, the neuro pathways in her brain that formed many years ago, are still there. She has no mental scaffolding for what comes next. After surgery, the weight starts to go off, but the emotional attachments, beliefs and perceptions still exist. 


She starts vitamising the food she finds to nurturing, along with an array of habitual processes and actions steeped deeply within. Chocolate, even pizza turned to liquid to fill a need. However, Shame can’t be vitamised.


She is at a very great risk here of physical harm post surgery, emotional trauma and a failed surgery. Jennifer comes to us. The program she begins starts to educate Jennifer, understand herself, unlocking the deeply held triggers and reasons. Then begins the process of creating new thoughts, patterns and beliefs. Then comes empowerment, understanding, self belief and success. 

Leaderboard for Julia Lorent the Savvy Changemaker

Bariatric Surgery, a broad term used to identify weight loss procedures such as sleeve gastrectomy, is becoming more accessible for people trying to lose weight in Australia. 


According to the AIHW, From 2014-2015, there were 9.7 weight loss surgery separations per 10,000 of the population, with Western Australia with the highest rate at 17.3. Furthermore, around 18,000 (79%) weight loss separations were for female patients and 4,800 for male patients. 


This growth in weight loss surgery can be linked-to ABS statistics (2017-18), which state nearly two-thirds of Australian adults are overweight or obese, over 12.5million people!


There are physical and mental problems that can derail the success of weight loss before and after bariatric surgery. What is most alarming, however, is the unsuccessful rate of these weight-loss surgeries due to the lack of mental health.

Leaderboard for Julia Lorent the Savvy Changemaker

A lack of postoperative therapeutic follow up by a professional can lead to failure, heartache and even life-threatening physical side effects just like Jennifer. 


This is extremely unfortunate given the postsurgical psychological challenges the procedure elicits because of an inadequate psychological support system. Which may result in body image concerns, mood changes, stress, substance use, and weight regain. 


“There is nothing worse for a patient than to go through the trauma of a physical surgery on their stomach, lose 60 kilograms and then gain it all again. Why does this happen? Because they put a patch on the hole in the dingy without finding out why the dingy keeps smashing into the rocks. We are the lighthouse. We shine a light on why the mind is triggering behaviours. Then we retrain it, reform it and revitalise the patient,” says Julia. 


According to a report from James Cook University psychological support for the mental health needs of obese patients, post-surgery requires more attention. 


The psychological impact of having bariatric surgery has received less attention. This study investigated whether patients who receive psychological counselling have better physical and mental well-being post-bariatric surgery. Patients who attended between one and four counselling sessions had significantly higher mental well-being.


Weight regain could be reduced with the right mental help before and after surgery, equalling a better quality of life. There is also the new you waiting. How will you feel with a different body and changing attitudes? Get the scaffolding ready to be successful. We are all only human, and you don’t have to walk the path alone. We are here to help you feel empowered, confident and reassured. 

Please reach out today and choose success, choose to make a change, because you deserve your very best life.

Phone me on: 0412 810 078 or Click Here



