8 Things I Wish My Surgeon told me Before having Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery

8 Things I Wish my Surgeon told me before having Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery


Contemplating Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery?   I have listed the most common “8 things I wish my surgeon told me before having Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery” .

Bariatric weight loss surgery is a major life decision which requires a lifelong commitment to healthy eating. Realistic expectations about the outcome of surgery is critical.  Addressing emotional and psychological issues is paramount before and after surgery.  Everyone’s journey is different.  Be well-informed about the procedure before deciding to have surgery.


Discuss these issues with your surgeon and associated health professionals.  Knowledge and awareness will alleviate many problems that can and may occur after weight loss surgery.

  1. The recovery process can be longer and more difficult than expected:  Be prepared for the physical and emotional challenges of the recovery process after surgery, such as pain, fatigue. Gas pain can be a particular issue for some patients.

                  1. The potential for complications: While bariatric surgery is generally safe, there is a risk of complications such as infection, bleeding, and blood clots. It’s important to be aware of the potential risks before you undergo surgery and discuss this with your surgeon.


                  1. Long-term commitment: Many people do not fully understand the long-term commitment required after bariatric surgery, including regular follow-up appointments, adhering to a specific diet, and making lifestyle changes


      1. The possibility of weight regain: Some people may regain some of the weight they lost after surgery, and it’s important for to be aware that surgery is not a magic solution and that it requires a lifelong commitment to healthy eating and regular physical activity


  1. Difficulty with certain foods: Some foods such as dry or tough foods, may cause mild to severe difficulty with eating after surgery.  Foods that you normally found easy to eat may create new food restrictions and limitations.


  1. Nutritional deficiencies: Some people may not be fully aware of the potential for nutritional deficiencies after surgery, and may not understand the importance of taking supplements and monitoring nutrient intake


  1. The importance of lifestyle changes: Surgery is only a tool and it’s important for people to understand that they need to make permanent lifestyle changes such as regular physical activity, stress management, sleep, and healthy eating habits, in addition to tracking food intake and weight loss.


  1. Emotional and psychological challenges: Many people are not aware of the emotional and psychological challenges that can occur after surgery, such as body dysmorphia or dissatisfaction with one’s appearance.


It’s important to note that with this knowledge it did not deter any of my clients from having their weight loss surgery.  Prepared for any issue that may have arisen,   their process of mindset and lifestyle transformation to a slimmer and healthier body began with me prior to surgery.


If you have any queries or would like to know how we can help you on this amazing life changing journey, please contact us or book a free strategy call via our website www.savvybariatrics.com


Stay Savvy



Fat Shaming Never Motivates

Fat Shaming never motivates.  It can cut through your heart like a double-edged knife.  Generally perpetrated by those closest to us such as parents, friends, and colleagues.  Dare I say it, also perpetrated by many in the medical profession.


Unfortunately, we can also be responsible for fat shaming ourselves, oftentimes through humour as a way of coping.  Better we shame ourselves than have others get their kicks by putting us down.

Let’s face it, the media in all its forms reinforces our shame by incessantly publishing those airbrushed images of fabulous 40-, 50- & 60-year-old celebrities in their bikinis on our social media and news feeds.  Setting up unrealistic societal and self-expectations of what we think our body should look like. The reality of these air-brushed images, however, merely purports to showcase the talent of the air-brusher.

There are those who would propose that fat shaming can be well intended.  You know, as a well-intended way to motivate you to lose weight. A reverse psychology tactical form of criticism if you will.  Seems to me this approach has been totally and utterly ineffective.

Fat Shaming is linked to eating disorders such as bingeing and emotional eating, low self esteem and depressive symptoms.  It is often not called out for fear of the further embarrassment and shame caused to the recipient.  Easier to just shut up and take it on the chin.  Meanwhile we slip further into the never-ending abyss of shame and the weight loss emotional rollercoaster.

It’s important to create an emotional care plan for yourself to cope with an episode of fat shaming.  This is where you may need the help of a professional versed in strategies you can implement with confidence and strength.  Changing your own negative self-talk and self-belief can take conscious work and practise.

When you can accept your body with confidence and a strong self-esteem regardless of size, the Fat Shamers lose their power to hurt and humiliate you.

It takes courage and grit to accept your vulnerability about your body  so it’s important to surround yourself with people who can support and  love you. Paramount importance is to begin to love and advocate for yourself.


You are deserving of respect and dignity regardless of your shape or size.  If you find yourself needing help in this area please reach out to us, we are here for you.

Stay Savvy